
Akvarellen - Jacqueline Stare - 2006 nr4

...Carmen would have liked to paint earlier in life but it wasn't until a move abroad that made schooling possible and then, as the family grew, time to paint was made available. Technique and quality is part of the work of art itself to her. Having now gone from pop art painting and sculptures to abstract landscapes, she has a more free approach. Her sources of inspiration are almost endless. In her water colour painting, working outdoors means light, nature and meditation. Water colour technique has two roles for her;  watercolour painting its own right but also a preparatory technique. As a teacher in watercolour painting, she uses it to make students understand colours.The difference in end result between using oil or water colour is fine but not extinguishable. Watercolour has light and flow over oil.
Carmen works with watercolours in three steps;  charcoal for tracing the motive, then water colour, then ink to highlight details.
Carmen always finds new challenges in her work, whether with developping techniques she masters already or in confronting new ones...